In a few days, one of the biggest sci-fi flops of the past few years will start at the streaming service Netflix. In the case of disaster blockbuster Moonfall, not only the story frame and the budget were immense Colossal failure on the box office.
Sci-fi disaster soon at Netflix: Moonfall has threatened a whole genre
Because there the film only included $ 59 million of its proud 150 million budget (via The Numbers). Is there The story is almost profitable. The moon falls onto the earth. For highly mysterious reasons, of course.
Here you can see the trailer for Moonfall:
Moonfalll – Trailer (German) HD
But the new film by disaster guru Roland Emmerich During the criticism, did not come across a lot of love. For some, Moonfall was “one of the stupidest films I’ve ever seen.” Even the handsome cast with Halle Berry and Patrick Wilson couldn’t change that. Soon you can give him a second chance at Netflix.
Moonfall shows the descent of the disaster film. Where superheroes are beaten by multi-billions of billions, earthquakes and mega tonsamis are simply yesterday’s snow. An entire genre places into the depths together with the earth drabant. This almost gives Moonfall a melancholic character.
Sci-fi-Kracher: When does Moonfall come to Netflix?
It doesn’t take long for you to stream Moonfall on Netflix. On March 22, 2025 The science fiction blockbuster by Roland Emmerich appears at the streaming service. If you have a Netflix subscription, you can see it as often as you want.