Silja Kosonen’s Incredible race in Cyprus – again a new Finnish record, over a meter improvement to a week ago | In a brief sport

Silja Kosonens Incredible race in Cyprus again a new

Silja Kosonen threw Finnish record twice in Cyprus in the European Cup in Cyprus.

13: 27 • Updated 14:14

Silja Kosonen has set a new Finnish record in women’s sledgehammer.

The new record is recorded by 77.07. Kosonen threw his SE in Nikosia, Cyprus, in the European Cup of the European Species.

– My mind went empty and I ran to hug my coach Jani from Pihka. Then Krista Tervo He reminded that I had to go to the doping test and return me to the ground, Kosonen said in a news release from the Finnish Sports Association.

Kosonen threw the Finnish record twice in the race. The record came at both the opening throw of the race and at the last. The first carried 75.61.

– Before, I thought that now I just let everything, it goes into a cage or not, but I didn’t wait for the 77 meters of throw. I thought maybe some 76 meters would be possible, Kosonen says.

– I don’t really remember throwing it, other than it didn’t feel bad. There is always something to repair in the throw, but that was pretty close to my perfect throw right now.

Kosonen set a Finnish record for the second time in this athletics season. The former it was born a week ago in the Kaustinen Moukari Winter Championships, when Kosonen’s throw was 75.45. At that time, Kosonen improved the Finnish record twice.

The Finnish star will continue with this new record at the forefront of this season. In Nicosia, the race was clearly released.

Krista Tervo also flashed her fitness in Nikosia. Tervo threw 69.58 in the race, which was his best of the season.

You can look at Silja Kosonen’s last five years of profit development.

Jutta updated March 15, 2025 at 2:13 pm: The story was updated throughout Kosonen’s sixth throw and another SE result. Title updated at the same time. The story was also updated at 3:27 pm with comments from Kosonen.
