US can stop 43 countries from traveling into the country

US can stop 43 countries from traveling into the country

The United States may impose new restrictions on travelers from 43 countries, reports the New York Times.

The proposal includes three levels of restrictions – where some countries may receive a total travel ban, while others receive tougher visa requirements.

Can stop traveling from 43 countries

According to New York Times The United States is developing a new list of countries whose citizens may have difficult or impossible to enter the country. The proposal is developed by diplomatic and security policy experts and includes a “red list” with eleven countries where all trips are proposed to be completely banned.

In addition to the red list, an “orange list” is proposed with ten countries, where travel should be limited but not completely stopped. Citizens from these countries must undergo compulsory visa interviews, and exceptions can only be given to wealthy business travelers.

A third category is a “yellow list” that includes 22 countries that are considered to have a lack of security routines. These countries get 60 days to improve their systems – otherwise they risk being moved up to a stricter category.

Here are the countries on the three lists

  • Red list (total ban): Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.
  • Orange list (severe limitations): Belarus, Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Turkmenistan.
  • Gul lista (risk för skärpningar): Angola, Antigua och Barbuda, Benin, Burkina Faso, Kambodja, Kamerun, Kap Verde, Tchad, Republiken Kongo, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Dominica, Ekvatorialguinea, Gambia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauretanien, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, São Tomé and Príncipe, Vanuatu and Zimbabwe.
  • It is still unclear whether people from the listed countries who already have a visa to the United States will be exempted from the new rules or whether their visa can be revoked. The same uncertainty applies to holders of green card.

    Russia on the orange list

    The fact that Russia is placed on the “orange list” raises questions, writes the New York Times. Donald Trump has previously advocated a more Russia -friendly foreign policy, but now Russian citizens can suffer significant entry restrictions.

    It remains to be seen whether the proposal goes through and how it will affect relations between the United States and the countries concerned.
