Diasorin, in 2024 revenues and useful profits. Proposed dividing at 1.2 euros

Diasorin in 2024 revenues and useful profits Proposed dividing at

(Finance) – Diasorin ended 2024 with revenues equal to 1.18 billion euros (+3% compared to 2023). Excluding the business Covidthere is a growth of +6% ( +7% at constant exchange rate), confirming the indications of the Guidance 2024. The 4th quarter, always net of the Covid business, recorded an increase in turnover of +5%, both at current and constant exchange rates, compared to the same period of the previous year.

The gross margin Adjusted It is equal to 782 million, (incidence on revenues equal to 66%), growing 33 million (+4%) compared to 2023, confirming an improvement thanks to the cost control initiatives and a favorable mix. THE’Ebitda adjusted is 394 million (incidence on revenues equal to 33%), growing 19 million (+5% compared to 2023). The percentage profitability remains in line with the previous exercise and with what is recorded in the previous quarters.

THE’Ebit adjusted It is 303 million, growing 20 million (+7% compared to 2023), with an incidence on revenues equal to 26% in improvement compared to the previous year.

THE’Net financial debt consolidated is -618 million euros ( -€ 776 million to 31 December 2023). The variation, equal to +159 million, is the result of the generation of the operating case of the period, partially compensated by the payment of dividends during the year for 61 million. The Free cash flow equal to 241 million to 31 December 2024 (209 million to 31 December 2023). Growth compared to the previous year is mainly attributable to the increase in the operating result, even in the face of greater investments in the new instrumental and developing products.

Proposed the payment of a dividend ordinary equal to 1.20 euros per share.

For the 2025 Revenues excluding Covid business is estimated to grow by about +8%, about +7% considering Covid sales (equal to about 20 million). An EBITDA ADJUSTED MARGIN by about 34%is expected.
