A phenomenon particularly embarrassly embarrassments in winter and spring, but it can be even worse by pressing this small button.
Even if the sunny days are approaching, the cold and rainy days are not yet completely behind us. Motorists must therefore not scream victory, the period of cohabitation with the fog inside their vehicle is not yet finished.
The fogging on car windows can have serious consequences because it considerably reduces the visibility of the person behind the steering wheel. It is possible to accelerate your disappearance provided you know how to use the air conditioning and ventilation system. But some drivers use another function that is not suitable when it is cold. Consequence: the fog remains longer in the passenger compartment.
If you do not want it to happen to you follow this advice well: you should never use the air recycling function in winter. This function, activated by pressing the button represented by an arrow inside, prevents outside air from entering the car and allows you to recycle indoor air. If it is very effective in summer to cool the air without pull all the time on air conditioning -and therefore reduce fuel consumption or save energy for electric vehicles -, air recycling is harmful in winter.

Why should he stay disabled during the coldest months of the year? Because this system will lock up the moisture already present inside the vehicle instead of letting it escape outside. The condensation will therefore be constantly forming on the windshield and the car windows, constantly reducing the visibility of the driver, which can have dramatic consequences without counting the risk of being verbalized (fine of 68 euros).
If you do not want to use the air conditioning of your vehicle when it is cold, or even wait until ventilation sends hot air, there is another simple solution to get rid of the fogging: open the windows. Wet air will be replaced by generally drier air in winter. For the air recycling button, it will always be time to press it as soon as the more mild temperatures return.