(Finance) – In January, according to Istat data, the production of the Italian automotive industry as a whole records a drop of 25.3% Compared to January 2024. Looking at the individual productive sectors in the sector, the UTOVICE manufacture index records a negative tendential variation of 37% in January 2025; That of the manufacture of bodywork for motor vehicles, trailers and semi -trailers grows by 7% in the month, and that of the manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines is falling by 15.4%.
According to the preliminary data of Anfia, the domestic production of cars only in January 2025 amounts to about 10,800 units, falling by 63.4% compared to January 2024.
The automotive production sector It is located in the context of an overall Italian industrial production still in flexion in January 2025 compared to the levels of the first month of last year: the index of industrial production as a whole, in fact, albeit in recovery compared to the previous month, closes at -0.6% compared to January 2024.
The turnover of industry in the strict sense (excluding the Costruzioni sector) records a negative variation of 1.4% in December 2024, the last available data (-1.4% on the internal market and -1.3% on foreign markets) and closes the entire 2024 to -3.4% (-3.8% the
internal market and -2.6% foreign markets).
“Also the AThe new year is confirmed in heavy reduction for the Italian automotive production index, which still records a double -digit decline (-25.3%)-he says Gianmarco GiordaGeneral manager of Anfia. On the other hand, they keep the sign less both the index of the manufacture of motor vehicles (-37%)-thanks to the strong drop, -63.4%, recorded, according to the preliminary data of Anfia by the production of cars, for a total of about 10,800 units produced-is the index of the production of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines (-15.4%). The ‘Automotive Action Plan’ presented on March 5 by the European Commission unfortunately leaves us dissatisfied and does not fully respond to the needs of industry at this critical moment for the entire European automotive sector, leaving out some essential points such as the field of measures to safeguard the competitiveness of our companies, primarily to rebalance the costs of energy compared to competitors such as USA and China. To seriously deal with the seriousness of the current situation, a plan is needed which, beyond the guidelines and recommendations, provides concrete actions, given certain and amounts allocated for the various interventions to be planned, including also, in the name of the goal of the DEcarbonization, a decades of renewal of the car circulating park, which in Europe has an average age of 12.5 years and is therefore at high emissions “.