Son is sentenced to life imprisonment

It was on March 22 last year that the 29-year-old man called SOS Alarm and told him that he and his father had been stabbed by two unknown perpetrators, on the driveway to their home in Malmö.

In the panicked alarm call, which TV4 News has taken part in, the 29-year-old claims that the men have disappeared from the scene and that his father is seriously injured.

– I’ve been stabbed and my dad too, says the man in the conversation.

– There is blood on the ground, I’m starting to get dizzy.

Hidden evidence and sent SMS

Police and ambulance arrived at the home and it could be found shortly thereafter that the father was dead. He had been carved in his neck, the trunk and one arm. The son had a wound injury on one leg and was driven to the hospital by ambulance.

The police found no trace of the perpetrators. Instead, they began to question the son’s tasks relatively quickly and the suspicions were directed at him.

Something that was not right was a text message sent from the son to the father, while the older man was bleeding on the driveway:

“I’m on my way home”.

The prosecutor believes that the son, who denies the crime, sent his father the text message in order to try to get an alibi at the time of the murder.

Bloody hat in dog slats

The investigation shows that the message was sent shortly after the deed, when the son left the crime scene for a while. On the same walk, the 29-year-old also placed a hat with blood from the father in a dog lady.

In his jacket pocket, gloves were found with blood from the father and in a nearby bush, police found the murder weapon: a bloody bayonet. This week, Malmö District Court ruled that the man murdered his father.

The motive for the act is not clear. The 29-year-old had during periods been mentally ill, partly because of his
gaming abuse and the debts that have arisen as a result. He must have had several conflicts with the father and to outsiders lied that he had been killed.

High on tramadol

During the year before the deed, the son lost both jobs and housing and at the time of the murder he had a very high concentration of tramadol in the blood,

“It cannot, given what has emerged, be excluded that the father had knowledge of the son’s lies, that he confronted him for this and that the son who then felt extremely bad, acted in the way the prosecutor alleged,” Malmö District Court writes in his judgment.

The 29-year-old is sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. He will also pay a total of SEK 110,000 in damages to his mother and sister.

The prosecutor’s investigation shows that at the murder, and even during the son’s walk after the act, there were three preschool teachers and just over 20 children in the park opposite the bloody garage driveway.
