Siu discontinuous probe into man’s hospitalization following arrest in simcoe

The special investigations unit has terminated its investigation into the hospitalization of a 30-year-cold man following his arrest in simcoe last of the next.


The man was arrested a short distance from his home in the early morning hours of dec. 23 related to a domestic incident.

Prior to the Arrival of Police, The Man Had Consumed a significant Ament of Alcohol, Said a News Release Issued on Wednesday by the Siu. When Located by Officers He Tried to Swallow A Baggie of Cocaine.

“He Became Unresponsive Promptly After Being Handcuffed and was transported to Hospital for Emergency Care,” Said the Release.

The man was treated for respiratory distress secondary to airway obstruction caused by the baggie of drugs and alcohol intoxication.

“Based on the Siu’s Preliminary Inquires, Including the Review of the Man’s Medical Records, (Siu Director Joseph) Martino was satisfied the investigation Should be discontinued. As the Police Had Nothing To Do With Einder of the Man’s Conditions, there was patently Nothing to Investigate As Far As the Potential Criminal Liabibility of Any Police Officer was concerned. ”

The siu is independent goverment agency that investigates the conduct of police office that may have results in death, serious injury, sexual assault and/or the discord of a firearm. Siu investigators are civilians.

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