Bone The pains are mostly exacerbated by late at night and give a jumping feeling. It is a pain that is felt deeper, much more intense and much more sharp than muscle pain and may occur due to various reasons.
Causes bone pain?
Bone pain can be seen due to many different causes. It is known that bone pain, which does not relax and increased even more during the movement, is mostly more exacerbated by late at night. Some of the possible reasons are:
- Osteoporosis
- Cancer
- Sickle cell discomfort
- Infections
- Pregnancy
- Injury
How is bone pain?
Very deep and intense bone pain is manifested by various symptoms. Bone pain, whose intensity may also differ, can also cause swelling and sensitivity in the aching area. It manifests itself more in these forms:
- If the inflammation occurs, the skin will have a feeling of flushing or burning.
- There may be sounds while moving.
- Nerve jams are experienced.
- Weakness in the muscles is experienced.
- There is a limitation of movement in density that will reduce the quality of daily life.
- Fever may be seen due to rheumatism or nerve compression.
Which section, which doctor to go to bone pain?
When the symptoms of bone pain and sensation occur, the relevant department and doctor should be taken without losing time. This problem is the field of orthopedics and traumatology. The doctors of this field diagnose and treat the disorders in the structures that form movement such as muscle and skeletal system, nerves, muscles and tendons, including bones and joints.
By going to an orthopedic specialist, symptoms of bone pain should be said and the treatment initiated as the doctor deems appropriate should be initiated as soon as possible. In this process, it is extremely important to apply the doctor’s redirects.
What is good for bone pain?
Various treatment methods are applied for bone pain, which is known to not only relax. Some of the methods known to be good for bone pain are as follows:
- Lose weight
- Bathing with warm water
- To relax
- Hot and cold compress
- Topical Creams
- Light stretching exercises