According to Bloomberg, Apple would work on a real -time audio translation function for its airpods. What, in theory, transform the famous wireless headphones into instant universal translators.
Apple is preparing to add a new practical new function to his Airpods, according to Mark Gurman, the famous Bloomberg journalist, very well informed days on the Apple firm’s projects – He is also nicknamed Guruman by teasing minds. In A recent articleit reveals that Tim Cook’s company is working on a real -time translation function on its wireless headphones. This innovation could allow users to understand conversations in several foreign languages, transforming AirPods into real universal instant translators.
The technology is not really new. Google has indeed offers a similar function since 2017 with its Pixel Buds Pro, but its use is not very practical. Users must maintain a button to activate translation and present their interlocutor its textual translation displayed on their phone, which is not ideal.
And, precisely, Apple would aim to offer a more natural solution with its translation function. Everything would go directly through the audio, without a textual step. In addition, the system would be compatible with many languages. Thus, a conversation between an English speaker and a French -speaking could take place without linguistic barrier: the sentences would be automatically translated and broadcast in the airpods of each interlocutor. A bit like the “magic” translation system used in the SF Star Tek series!
Of course, and as the Google solution, the translation would not be carried out by Els headphones themselves: it is the associated iPhone which would take care of everything, the Airpods used to capture and distribute the sound. One more way, for Apple, to encourage users to stay in its ecosystem.
Translation on AirPods: an (almost) instantaneous operation
However, despite this attractive promise, technical challenges persist. One of the main current limitations is the latency of translation. According to Gurman, Apple, just like Google, meets the difficulties to provide a perfectly real -time translation. A slight delay is necessary for the iPhone to analyze the words and return the translation to the AirPods. This latency, although minimal, could affect the fluidity of exchanges, especially in rapid discussions.
If everything goes as planned, and if Gurman’s predictions are confirmed, this translation function should be available by the end of the year, with iOS 19, the new version of the iPhone operating system which will be offered in free update on compatible models. It remains to be seen if Apple will overcome technical obstacles to make it practical and intuitive. For the time being, we don’t know anything – and for good reason! – on languages that would be managed by this function. Nor it would also work on telephone conversation, which could make precious services to travelers as well as those who have regular calls with foreign interlocutors.
Finally, note that, even imperfect, real -time translation is part of a wider Apple strategy to make its airpods even more versatile. In addition to this new function, Pro 2 models are already able to serve as hearing aids, a capacity which avoids the purchase of expensive prostheses, even if the basic models are reimbursed in France by health insurance and mutuals.