Anni Kärävä was third and Elias Syrjä in the Fifth Freestyle World Cup | In a brief sport

Anni Karava was third and Elias Syrja in the Fifth

Finnish Anni Kärävä finished third in the Freestyle Women’s World Cup Big Air competition in Tignes, France.

Anni Kärävä scored 175.25 in the finals of Thursday night.

The competition was won by Italian Flora tabanelliand the other was French Tess ledux. Tabanell’s final points were 187.75 and LEDEUX was 181.25.

In men’s competition Elias Syrjä was fifth. He scored 177.25 in the finals.

The competition was won by Italian Miro Tabanelli before US Mac Forehandia and New Zealand Luca Harrington. Tabanell’s winning points were 188.25.

Tignes featured the last Big Air competitions of the Freestyle World Cup season.

The annoyance was third in the overall points of the Big Air Women’s World Cup and seventh in the men.
