New ban at restaurants – applies in 2030

New ban at restaurants applies in 2030

In connection with a new EU regulation on packaging, a number of new rules will come into force in Sweden.

All rules will be introduced by 2030 in Sweden.

News24 Has previously written about one of these rules, one that touches on packaging of fruits and vegetables in grocery stores. The rule means that there will be requirements that fruits and vegetables sold in packaging that hold less than 1.5 kilograms are not stored in plastic packaging.

In other words, citrus fruits that are often stored in the net can get new packaging, as well as vegetables packaged in plastic bags.

The organization Keep Sweden clean has listed which rules come from the new EU regulation that may affect Swedes directly.

– We believe that the changes that will affect consumers most are precisely the ones we wrote about in the press release, and thus will start to apply in 2030, says Johanna RagnartzCEO of Keep Sweden Clean, to News24.

One of these concerns a requirement for restaurants.

The goal of the EU regulation is to phase out disposable packaging, especially those made of plastic. As a result, food at restaurants, cafes and fast food places will no longer be served in disposable plastic packaging. The same goes for drinks.

This means that, among other things, the small plastic packaging for ketchup, dressing and spices can become a memory only after 2030.

Some more details, such as what date the new rules will start to apply, have not yet been revealed.
