This Thursday, March 13 is the last day to return its wishes on Parcoursup. Other crucial steps await students. The calendar must be well monitored.
The stages of Parcoursup advance. This Thursday, March 13, marks the last day so that the students of Terminale and the students in reorientation formulate their wishes for higher education. They had two months to do so. At midnight, it will be closed. Students can still, for a few hours, choose up to ten wishes on the platform. For certain training courses, it is possible to add sub-guides, up to a limit of 20 in total. If this phase ends, the calendar to follow is far from finished.
Students then have a transitional phase: they will have until Wednesday April 2 to finalize their different files with the necessary elements and also confirm their wishes, but without being able to return again. Only the confirmed wishes will be sent to send a file and an exam to the corresponding training. During this period, training can request additional elements, such as cover letters. So don’t go about it at the last minute. It is also an opportunity to complete your profile with your experiences, but also your activities and centers of interest. Small exception for apprenticeship training, wishes can be formulated after April 2.
Answers two months later
For the answers, they will start to fall on June 2. Between June 6 and 10, waiting wishes will have to be classified in order of preference. It is also necessary to respond to the favorable proposals for training, which can take the form of “yes” or “yes subject”, the response time will be indicated on the platform. Each day, the site is acting and the students are kept informed by email if they receive a new proposal. The main admission phase will end on July 10, knowing that on July 4, the students of terminal will know whether they obtained their bac or not, the diploma allowing them to register.
However, from June 11 and until September 11, an additional phase is proposed, especially for candidates who have received no proposal. They can then formulate ten additional wishes in training still with available places.