The ski jumping scandal continues, more jumpers to ban – EPN follows the FIS press conference | Sport

The ski jumping scandal continues more jumpers to ban

The Norwegian ski jumping team has been in the eye of the storm since the Trondheim World Championships, as the team has manipulated their hillside.

15: 59 • Updated 16:37

In this article, follows the International Ski Association briefing.

The International Ski Association (FIS) is currently holding a briefing in Oslo, Norway. The subject of the press conference is manipulation of the Norwegian ski jumping team.

Norwegian ski jumping and combined team’s athletes have been revised on Wednesday. According to FIS, no deviations were found in the suites of the women’s ski jumping and the combined team and the combined team. Instead, there were indications of manipulation in men’s hill suits.

FIS has previously placed Norwegian ski jumpers Marius Lindvik and Johann Andre Forfangin Non -competition. In addition, FIS has distributed prohibitions on the Norwegian ski jumping team and one combined coach. Today, FIS said he had set three other jumpers in a temporary ban. These three jumpers are Robin Pedersen, Kristoffer Eriksen Sundal and Robert Johansson.

– Everyone knows the rules, teams, athletes, coaches. Of course, there may always be better rules, but we do not accept their breach, FIS Secretary General Michel Vion stated.

According to Vion Daniel-Andre tanden, Johan Remen Evensen and Anders Jacobsen In the output, where the jumpers reported a widespread scam culture of the sport.

FIS’s independent ethics -monitoring body has opened an investigation into the case. FIS Ski Jumping Race Director Sandro Pertile Didn’t want to focus on wondering if in a clear case, this is an isolated case or a scam culture.

– I want to focus on the current situation. It is important for us to understand the size of this case, as this has already been a major damage to the ski jump. We are convinced that research helps us a lot, Pertile said.

If the study reveals a large -scale manipulation, the body of the FIS’s ethics is the one who sets a punishment as FIS follows the recommendations of this organ.
