No one thinks about it: this forgetfulness when you refuel can cost dearly

No one thinks about it this forgetfulness when you refuel

This error that all motorists make when they are at the service station can lead to a large fine.

There are no figures to prove it, but we dare to say that not far from 100% of motorists brave a prohibition when they go to a service station! Most often without knowing it, which does not excuse anything … If you are a minimum observer, you have probably already seen that a regulation is displayed on each of the fuel pumps. It is a way of warning or reminding each driver that a resort is a potentially dangerous place and that there are a number of rules to respect.

That of not smoking a cigarette and manipulating a lighter when you refuel seems obvious when you know the number of tonnes of flammable liquids stored in these places where hundreds or even thousands of motorists come across every day. Other prohibited practices are less known. Like that of using your phone. It is sometimes tempting to call someone or to tip over the keys of your smartphone to pass the time while the tank of our car fills. Many do it, however, it is prohibited in all service stations. A fine is even planned. But for what reason?

© Adil Benayache/Sipa

The telephone regulations are even much more strict. The simple fact of having your phone on yourself with the fuel pump is prohibited. Even if the risk is extremely low, a simple spark from a phone, for example when the screen is switched on or from a call, could ignite fuel vapors and cause fire.

As a precaution, the law therefore prohibits anyone from having a smartphone on when it is near the pistols. Even in your pocket, if it is on, your smartphone can be worth receiving a big fine. The use of the mobile phone in a service station is sanctioned by a fine of 135 euros. Obviously, the probability that the police control the condition of your phone is almost zero. But to avoid any problem, the best is still to leave it in your vehicle while you fill up.
