Unusual Viking finds on Öland

Unusual Viking finds on Oland



The full screen unusual arm braid in iron from the Viking Age has been found on Öland. The picture shows finds from the Viking Age at the Norwegian Historical Museum. Photo: Berit Roald/NTB/TT

An unusual armbreak from the Viking Age has been found by a private person in Öland, reports P4 Kalmar.

-What is unusual is that this is in iron, says Karl-Oskar Erlandsson, archaeologist at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar, to the radio.

Only three out of over 1,000 Armbugs in the Swedish Historical Museum’s collections are in iron, according to Karl-Oskar Erlandsson.

But even the wetland where the arm jam was found is an unusual find site.

– It can be a sacrificial moss, that you have sacrificed to the gods or higher powers. So then there may be more objects in this wetland, so we will investigate that in the immediate area with the metal detector.
