Swedes opt out of US goods • “Easier for customers to choose”
Swedes choose US goods in protest against Donald Trump’s policy.
Therefore, in a station in Skåre, you have noticed US goods, so that customers themselves can choose whether they want to buy or not.
– There is talk of what is happening in the world. Many people say that you should not buy American, says Lena Persson, who runs the station.
Three out of ten Swedes opt out of US goods because of Trump’s policies, it shows a survey conducted by veran on behalf of SVT News. Lena Persson, who runs a station in Skåre, noticed that locals and customers talked about not buying US goods.
– Then I realized that maybe we should make it easier for the customers to choose, she says in after five.
In the store, for example, chip varieties are now labeled with the American flag and a bag of cheeseballs is marked with the EU flag. This is to inform customers where the product comes from and thus let the customers make the choice themselves.
“Positive reactions”
The reactions have been many after choosing to label the goods in this way and for the most part the response has been positive.
– We have received a lot of e -mails. There have been very positive reactions. On social media, it has been positive, says Lena Persson.
Lena also says that some have not understood the store’s purpose in labeling the goods, which has led to negative response.
– They have simply misunderstood. They believe we have boycotted US goods.
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