The 4 -year -old little girl’s intestine stunned: 24 pieces! He’s been in his belly for a year! ‘Do not put it in your home’

The 4 year old little girls intestine stunned 24 pieces

Şırnak complained of intense abdominal pain first Cizre State Hospital and then to the Sirnak State Hospital Rumeysa Altundag (4), Batman Training and Research Hospital was referred. Batman Training and Research Hospital Pediatric Surgery Doctor Selim Özkaya, who examined Rumeysa Altundağ, who was brought to Batman, then made an endoscopy to the patient. In the endoscopy, it was determined that there were foreign bodies in the form of bracelets in the intestines and stomachs of the little girl. Rumeysa Altundağ’ın surgery was removed from the intestines and stomachs 24 colored toy magnets were removed.

Stating that they came across with such a case for the first time, Doctor Selim Özkaya said that it was successfully completed after the surgery. Stating that magnets have partially puncture in the intestines. Özkaya, “Our patient was 4 -year -old girl. Due to intense abdominal pain, he applied to our state hospital in Şırnak, was found to swallow foreign objects in his examinations.


During endoscopy, foreign bodies detected during endoscopy were colorful magnets and half of them were not seen in the stomach. Our patient swallowed 24 small small magnets. After endoscopy, we planned our patient operation. In our surgery, half of the magnets swallowed at different times are in the intestines and these are sticking to each other. bowel It was seen that it caused punctuations in parts. We repaired these parts. Our patient started to feed after surgery, there is no shortage, we plan to discharge, “he said.


Families also warned Dr. Özkaya, especially families with young children advised to keep such toys away from their homes.

“We recommend that they do not put them in their homes”

Underlining that they should not put such toys into their homes if necessary. Özkaya continued as follows:


“On this occasion, we want to stimulate and raise awareness of our families. We recommend that families are kept away from children, especially these colorful small magnets. Colorful small magnets are more attractive to children and they can swallow them, so we recommend that they keep these toys away and even insert them into their homes if necessary.”


Dr. Özkaya pointed out that the magnets were swallowed about 1 year ago, “We think that these magnets have swallowed for a year. Because the colors of these magnets have changed and rushed.


Baba Servet Altundağ stated that he took his daughter to the hospital with intense abdominal pain, “We went to the emergency room because of abdominal pain. Doctors referred to Batman Training and Research Hospital in Şırnak. He said.



