Meta Researchers have solved how the brain’s thoughts put into writing using artificial intelligence with two new studies. In the first study, to recreate the sentences written by volunteers brain A YZ model was designed to analyze the signals. The second study mapped the language production process of the brain and revealed how thoughts turned step by step. These studies prepare the ground for technologies that can help communicate with individuals who cannot speak due to brain damage or injury in the future.
“This is a big step in the field of non -invasive code, especially in the field of non -invasive code, Ale said Alexander Huth, a computable neuroscientist at Texas University in Austin.
Reading with Magnetic Screening
Researchers have measured magnetic fields caused by the electrical activities of the brain in a method called Magnetoencephalography (Meg). While the participants write sentences, these signals were analyzed by the YZ model and the letters written were solved with 68 %accuracy. While the frequently used letters were estimated with higher accuracy, error rates increased in rare letters such as “Z” or “K”. Interestingly, when the model made a mistake, the QWERTY tended to choose letters close to the target letter on the keyboard. This shows that YZ makes letter estimates with motor signals.
How does brain language produce?
The second study focused on understanding how language was formed in the brain. Researchers, participants scored 1,000 meg per second while writing. The findings showed that the brain first created the meaning and context of the sentence, and then produced words, syllables and letters step by step.
Experts stated that this process confirms the theory of “hierarchical separation”: the brain divides large units of meaning into small pieces and transforms into motor actions.
It was also discovered that the brain uses “dynamic nervous code için to avoid confusion. This code provides a clear distinction by carrying each piece of information to a different position in the brain. However, MEG has not yet been able to determine which brain regions were formed.
It may be in the future: wearable brain-computer interfaces
Although these studies have not yet been under the control of the referee, they promise hope for people who have lost their ability to speak. The current meg devices are too large and sensitive to use outside the laboratory. However, researchers believe that advances in technology can make these systems wearable in the future. Huth praised the success of the team by saying, “They are pushing the limits of what can be done with the current technology.”
What is its importance?
This artificial intelligence The model can revolutionize both scientific and practical fields by solving brain signals in a non -invasive way.
Paralyzed patients or individuals with neurological disorders can re -communicate by writing their thoughts. Moreover, the fact that it does not require implant can enable technology to reach a wider audience.
Meta’s innovative works strengthen the bridge between artificial intelligence and neuroscience. Solving the secrets of our brain seems to be no longer a dream of science fiction.