Saipem, Board of Directors approves Budget 2024, dividing and conversion Savings actions

Saipem Board of Directors approves Budget 2024 dividing and conversion

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Saipemchaired by Elisabetta Serafinapproved the group’s consolidated budget at 31 December 2024, inclusive of the consolidated reporting of sustainability 2024, which closes with a useful of 306 million euros (179 million euros in 2023).

The project of financial statements of the parent company Saipem Spa closes with a useful of 279 million of euros (107 million euros in 2023).

The Board of Directors approved propose to the assembly ordinary of shareholders to allocate Saipem’s net profit relating to the 2024 exercise as follows: 13,924,909.50 euros, equal to 5% of the profit, to the legal reserve, 5,295 euros to the owners of Savings sharescorresponding to a unitary dividend of 5 euros and 264.567,985.44 euros to the owners of ordinary actionsto which it is proposed to distribute an additional 68,153,850.12 euros to be worth on the reserve formed with profits of previous years, for a total of 332,721,835.56 euros, corresponding to a unitary dividend of 0.17 euros.

The Board of Directors also proposed to pay the aforementioned amounts starting from 21 May 2025, with coupon detachment on 19 May 2025 and record dates on May 20, 2025.

The Board of Directors has approved, on the proposal of the remuneration and appointment committee, to submit the proposal of authorization for the purchase of proper shares Up to a maximum of 21,780,000 ordinary shares and, in any case, within the maximum total amount of 74,977,650 euros, to be allocated to the service of the 2025 attribution of the long-term variable incentive plan 2023-2025, approved by the assembly of 3 May 2023

In today’s meeting, the Council also has approved the conversion proposal mandatory of Saipem savings actions in ordinary shares on the basis of a conversion relationship equal to 60 ordinary actions for each savings actionwithout paying any cash adjustment, to be submitted to the shareholders’ meeting, in extraordinary site. This proposal is aimed at simplifying the structure of the share capital with consequent savings of costs.
