Woman died when doctors did not show up

Woman died when doctors did not show up



The full screen physician has been ported from the health care and reported to the IVO, the Inspection for Healthcare and Care. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

A woman died in hospital when a on -call physician never showed up – even though a nurse called the doctor several times, reports P4 West. Had the woman received time, she would have survived.

The incident happened in April last year when a seriously ill woman came to Norra Älvsborg County Hospital (Näl) in Trollhättan.

A nurse discovered that the woman was bleeding from the rectum and called the doctor who did not come. After a couple of hours, the woman’s condition was impaired and the nurse tried again to contact the doctor who did not show up then either.

A couple of hours later, the woman was lifeless and found dead. The nurse called the doctor once again to confirm the death without hearing.

The incident has been reported to the Inspection for Health and Care, IVO, according to Lex Maria and the hiring physician is no longer allowed to work in NU healthcare.

According to a survey by NÄL, the woman died from the bowel bleeding and would have survived if she received care on time.
