The fire in the villa in Västerås extinguished: “Lots of water in the house”

According to SVT’s reporter on site at 15 o’clock, eight units from the rescue service and police were in place to work with the then fully developed wind fire.

According to a note from the police website, much indicates that no person was in the house when the fire arose. The police also announced that the scene was blocked off and they will investigate what caused the fire.

No forecast for the fire

At 18.30, it began to notice that the temperature has decreased in the building, and that smoke development began to decrease.

– But there is a big house and a lot left to expose. There may be incandescent fires left in the construction. We will be here a large part of the evening anyway, then we will see how the night will be, said management operator Fredrik Hilmersson.

The fire extinguished

Just before 19 o’clock, the message was that the fire was extinguished.

– There is a lot of water in the house so we will need to vacuum, we will continue to expose and see so it is nothing, says management operator Åsa Sköld.
