The new card game was accidentally free on Steam

The new strategy card game in Steam was free of charge for a short time due to the developer error. You can immediately add the game to your library.

Steama mistake was made to work for gamers. A newly released card game has become free of charge due to a pricing error made by the developer team. Normally, the price of the Scrap Collector game, which should be determined as $ 4.99, was accidentally set to zero. After noticing this error, the developer contacted Valve to correct the pricing. However, if you add the game to your library until the error is fixed, you will be able to have permanently free of charge.


SCRAP Collector, released on March 7, is a very interesting production for those who love card -based strategy games. In the game, you use cards to manage resources, build structures and fight enemies. With “Explore” cards, you can discover new regions and resources, and fight by placing your boots and player units against enemies with the automatic war system.

The mechanics of the game require strategic thinking and careful use of cards. In addition, as you progress, you can open new plans and cards and strengthen your support. SCAP Collector also draws attention with its simple system requirements. This game, which requires 2 GHz dual -core processor, 2 GB RAM and only 200 MB storage space, can easily be played even on low -equipped computers.

Developer team, said in a statement on March 10, they are aware of the pricing error and said they are trying to correct the situation. However, it is possible to get the game free of charge until this process is completed. Although Valve is not known when to correct the price, players are recommended not to miss this opportunity.

Scrap Collector, who received mixed comments among the players, was considered a relaxing game by some, while others were criticized for errors and balance problems. However, the chance to experience the game free of charge offers an important opportunity for those interested. Game before the error is remedied Steam Don’t forget to add it to your library.
