The GIGN deployed around the banking agency, what we know

The GIGN deployed around the banking agency what we know

A hostage taking is currently underway in a banking agency located in the town of Romilly-sur-Seine, in Aube. The GIGN is on site.

Hosting was reported this Tuesday, March 11 in an LCL banking agency. There would be at least two employees selected against their will inside the premises, located on rue de la Boule-d’Or, in the city center of the town of Romilly-sur-Seine, in Aube, report France 3 And East lightning. Hosting would have started around 6 p.m. Originally, France 3 reports, three women had been taken hostage. One of them has since been released by the hostage lessee.

The GIGN has been deployed on site and negotiations are underway. The hostage lessee would be a man armed with a knife. The surroundings were completed. Part of rue de-Gaulle and the top of rue Pasteur are thus made inaccessible to residents and other passers-by, specifies East lightning. Mayor of the town, Éric Vuillemin went to the scene. The sub-prefect Aurélie Contrecivile is also on site.

Shots heard and a gendarmes dam forced by a motorist

In parallel with this hostage -taking, an Audi Blanche tried to force one of the dams set up by the police, around 6.30 p.m. On this occasion, several shots could be heard by residents. It seems that these are shots linked to the car passage of the car. The driver would have injured his leg, reports France 3. He has since been arrested, but this case would not be linked to the neighboring hostage taking.
