Englandlaboratory production plans to approve the sale of foods within two years. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is working on new regulations to accelerate the approval process of such products. These foods produced from cells are grown in small chemical plants and stand out as environmental -sensitive alternatives.
Singapore, the US and Israeli laboratory production in the world are among the countries that approved meat sales, while some states in Italy and the United States banned these products. Companies in the UK argue that the existing regulations in the country slow down the process and are left behind in global competition.
FSA aims to develop new regulations by cooperating with scientists and companies in order to ensure the safety of laboratory production. Some experts argue that the preparation of regulations with companies can create a conflict of interest.
Foods produced in the laboratory are obtained from plant or animal cells and sometimes gene regulation techniques are used. Although these products are environmentally friendly and healthier, some experts think that production processes require high energy and exaggerated health effects. FSA official Robin May stated that new arrangements should be based on science and said, “This process may be complex, but it is critical to fully understand science to ensure security,” he said.