The next retirement pensions will be paid in shifted: here are all the dates

The next retirement pensions will be paid in shifted here

The transfers of April will not reach the same dates as usual.

This is one of the daily benchmarks and, when it comes to budget, it is better to be organized. However, sometimes, upheavals can intervene and shake up habits. This is what will happen for retirees in April with their retirement pensions. Better to know the new dates of payment so as not to put yourself in difficulty.

As every month, more than 15 million French people live thanks to the pensions paid by the CNAV, Act-Arrco, the MSA or any other fund. The latter have announced the payment schedule next month, which will impact all retirees. Be careful to manage your budget well at the end of the month.


Indeed, the payment dates will (slightly) vary compared to March. First of all, since it is the first that arrives on the bank accounts, the AGIRC-Arrco pension will be paid “in advance”: the transfer orders will be carried out on Tuesday 1er april. This was only done on Monday 3 in February and March due to the weekend. It will be the same for the Alsace-Moselle Carsat.

On the CNAV and MSA side, we will have to wait more than the previous two months … and it will be normal. In April, basic pensions will not be paid until Wednesday, April 9, the date initially planned in the calendar. In February and March, the payment had arrived earlier (the 7th) because the 9 fell on a Sunday.

Finally, retirement officials will also receive their pensions later in March, but ultimately said “expired”, that is to say at the end of the month. The CNRACL and the Ircantec will order the transfers on Monday, April 28, while the state pension service will make it the next day, Friday 29.

To all these dates, it is necessary to add one to three days of waiting to see the amounts appear on the bank account. No surprise to have, therefore, if the money does not arrive on the usual dates.
