13 years ago, this detail of the Twilight saga was heavily criticized and the creator understands why

13 years ago this detail of the Twilight saga was

The Twilight saga has developed into one of the most successful fantasy film series in recent cinema history. The adaptation of the books by author Stephenie Meyer is still controversial and gets as much love as hate.

Many fans may not even know that the At the beginning of the Twilight series with a comparatively low budget rotated became. This led to CGI cost-saving measures, which were particularly visible in part 1. In retrospect, a later detail is also unforgivable for those responsible for the billion dollar franchise.

Twilight saga was deliberately filmed in darker or more foggy pictures at the beginning

Director Catherine Hardwicke’s first Twilight film had a moderate budget of $ 37 million. Only from part to part, when the films financially increasingly recorded money on the box office, the budget was further increased. Especially at the baseball scene in Twilight, a darker season was deliberately chosen when the shoot, as the director 2020 explained to Business Insider:

We shot in winter because it is most cloudy. We couldn’t have a bright sun because the vampires should have glittered. We didn’t want them to glitter all the time, we couldn’t afford that. CGI glitter costs a lot of money.

This explains why the entire sequence looks so dark and colors. In the last film of the series, however, another detail is disturbed to this day.

Twilight author is also ashamed of the CGI baby in the last film

In Twilight 4: Breaking Dawn – bite at the end of the night – Part 2, the audience gets the child from Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson). Renesmee is a mixture of people and vampire and was for the fantasy blockbuster completely animated. You can see the bizarre result here:

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In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, screenwriter Bill Condon 2017 admitted that this decision was a big mistake:

At Twilight there was this CGI baby, half human and half vampire. It was a disaster. It absolutely didn’t work and now I tell myself that we should never have allowed that.

The Twilight film series had over 3.3 billion dollars worldwide. At Amazon Prime you can currently stream all five parts in the subscription.

This article has also been published in a similar form on our international sister page Allociné.
