On March 5, 2025, the second season of WoW: The War Within started. After quick balancing adjustments by Blizzard, they could turn out to be really fun. At least so far, many players are very positive.
What does the second season have to offer? WoW: The War Within’s new endgame phase started on March 5, 2025 and offers all Azeroth heroes a colorful mix of PVE and PvP challenges:
Of course, there are all the new rewards and meta-successes. Here you can see the trailer for WoW-Patch 11.1:
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“Sophisticated, but not overwhelming”
What praise the players? First of all, the indication that the season did not come from the starting blocks 100 %. The Mythic Plus dungeons should actually be noticeably lighter than in season 1, but that was only the case after Blizzard unpacked the nerf club shortly after season 2.
The short -term measures have an effect. Diamondman07 praised Reddit in his post:
The Bliz developers did everything right this time … tell me what I missed
Mythic dungeons are alive and good again. Sophisticated, but not overwhelming, with reasonable prey. Mythic+ has at least 4 fun and balanced dungeons that I can imagine that people will farm them […].
The new campaign zone has a great Vegas atmosphere and exudes a unique atmosphere. She is not my favorite, but creative, organic and very lovable.
The raid has been fun so far and the mechanics are easy to understand. There are many fun AoE pulls for tanks in the raids and dungeons.
It just feels like they have fixed many of the problems from the past and made the game much better this season. Many thanks to the developers! Did I miss something?
So far, the post has had over 1,300 upvotes and more than 535 comments.
The positive response is supported by the statistics on Raider.io, which-as far as the number of dungeon degrees is concerned-look significantly better than in season 1 by Wow: The War Within (via icy-veins.com). The nerfs of the mythical dungeons have proven to be correct, since the players have completed significantly more high-level keystone dungeons since the update.
How are your experiences in season 2 from WoW: The War Within? Do you have fun with the new challenges as well as in the PvP, in the mythic dungeons and in the new RAID? Treat it in the comments! Incidentally, the next patch is already in the pipeline: Patch 11.1.5 – all information about the night crash, disturbing visions and cunning duos
The contribution player from WoW is surprised how good the new season is: “Tell me what I overlooked” first appeared on my-mmo.de.