Just check this detail on a ticket to cancel a radar fine

Just check this detail on a ticket to cancel a

By receiving an excess speeding, most motorists settle the sum due. But few individuals know that they can cancel their ticket by checking this.

Many motorists do not respect speed limitations on the road. When they roll too fast and they are flashed, a ticket notice is then sent and the driver must pay a fine, the amount of which varies according to the severity of speeding compared to the maximum authorized speed. For example, by driving at 100 km/h on a road limited to 90 km/h (an excess speed of less than 20 km/h), the flat -rate fine amounts to 68 euros, with a permit withdrawal from a point. The flat -rate fine can quickly increase to 135 euros and the number of points increases depending on the case.

In France, it is difficult to escape the many radars installed on the roads. There are currently 4,000 automatic radars and there should be 4,160 in 2025, an increase of 4% compared to the previous year. And when we try to challenge a fine for speeding, we take the risk of receiving a refusal from the administration, or even an increase. Result: few drivers venture into this process, preferring to pay the fine.

But what few people know is that a simple detail on the ticket makes it possible to cancel the automatic radar fine. This is what Havannissien recalls on his Tiktok account. “”It doesn’t work every time, but it doesn’t cost anything to try“, he wants to specify in the preamble. Just take a look at the approval date of the control apparatus appearing on the notice of contravention. It corresponds to the date on which the radar was verified for the last time.” If there are more than two years between this date and that of the flash, the fine is zero “and this applies to recent radars. For older radars, the control must be done every year. This concerns “mobile, semi-fix, binoculars or even on-board radars, there, it’s a year,” added the law specialist.

And that’s not all: if the ticket does not mention a date, you are entitled to challenge your fine since it becomes simply invalid. Recall that new radars should see the light of day in France: they will be able to detect new offenses such as the use of a smartphone on the wheel or the non-port of the belt. They will also be able to check if the driver respects the safety distances on the road.
