Whole screen “It was thought that it had been the lynx that had looked out. But this was completely unexpected and damn boring, ”Ingvarsson says of the dead bear. Photo: Private
On a steep cliff in Bollnäs, a lynx hunter stood eye to eye with a newly awake Björn.
After he shot the animal, he thought the danger was over.
– Then there are two bear cubs there, says hunting leader Anders Ingvarsson, 49, who was also present.
The idea was that the hunting team for four people and two search dogs would hunt lynx on the early Saturday morning.
It was at the top of a steep mountain in the area that two of them found a larger hole.
One of them called the hunting leader Anders Ingvarsson, who was 200 meters away, to tell them that they would make an attempt to see what was in there.
Fox, badger or maybe even a lynx?
Full screen “You don’t want to become an enemy with a bear,” says hunting leader Anders Ingvarsson. Photo: Private
After just a minute Anders Ingvarsson’s phone called again.
– He says that the dog was standing at the hole and suddenly a bear rushes out, he says.
Close to downs at 25 meters
The hunting dog, which is of the Bluetick Coonhound breed, threw himself aside and the bear approached the hunter standing on the rock ledge.
The bear was only half a meter away from him when he took the gun from the shoulder.
– Then he shot a shot at the bear who then landed on the butt. Then he took two steps back and fired two more quick shots. If you have started shooting a bear then you have to end it, says Anders Ingvarsson.
The full screen bear is estimated to weigh between 100 to 200 kilos. Photo: Private
The mountain he stood on was steep. If he had stepped one or two steps back, he would have fallen 25 meters down from the cliff.
But the story does not end there.
After 20 minutes, the hunters heard a new sound from the hole.
– Then there are two bear ovens there and look at them and roar terrible, says Anders Ingvarsson.
The full screen police were alerted to the scene. Photo: Private
Fortunately, one of the dogs, which was still loose, speeded up after the bear cubs and managed to chase them away from the scene.
“Fine Honbjörn”
He says the hunter was cut.
“We all were,” he says.
In a comment to Aftonbladet, the hunter who shot the bear says he is feeling physically good but that he thinks “what has happened is boring, most preferably that it was a nice Honbjörn”.
The full -screen event took place on Saturday. Photo: Private
The hunting team had to be helped to drag the bear from the cliff and then the animal was sent to the National Veterinary Institute in Uppsala for autopsy.
None of the hunters are suspected of any crime.
“Terrible that it became so”
The hunting leader Anders Ingvarsson thinks it is sad that Björnhonan was awakened by his hunting team.
– She would simply scare us away. It’s awful that it became so, he says.
The bear cubs are judged to be born last year and therefore they have a great chance of survival without their mother.
– I am very happy that all dogs and people did well -skinned. However, I think it is incredibly a shame that a bear had to kill, says the hunting leader.