The deductions you can earn thousands of dollars on

The deductions you can earn thousands of dollars on

Several changes affect many personal finance 2025. But one thing that exists is the deductions you can make in your declaration, which can result in saving thousands of dollars.

As usual when a new year has begun, several changes come into force. They will affect the Swedes’ personal finances in several ways. This is after the government previously decided to, for example, reduce taxes and strengthen certain deductions.

In the government’s budget, which relates to 2025, a total of SEK 26.7 billion is allocated to reduce taxes. This corresponds to 44 percent of the total budget amounting to SEK 60 billion.

Read more: Declaration 2025: Important dates to know

Reduced taxes in 2025

  • Reinforced job tax deduction: SEK 11 billion
  • Reduced tax pensioners: SEK 2.5 billion
  • Reduced tax on ISK savings: SEK 4.4 billion
  • Reduced petrol tax: SEK 3.2 billion
  • Eliminated Air Tax: SEK 0.9 billion
  • Source: Ministry of Finance

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    You should avoid this in the declaration 2025

    In addition to strengthened deductions and reduced taxes, the income tax return will soon dip into mailboxes around the country. Then there are further opportunities to gain more money in the form of a refund.

    News24 have talked to the savings economist Frida Bratt Who share tips for you to think about at the beginning of a new year, and what mistakes you should definitely avoid.

    – A common miss, or rather, misconception is that you have a superstition on what deductions you can make. It may be because in the media it often appears that there are countless deductions for private individuals, which is not really right. Often the rules are tight. But if you have sold housing, traveled a lot in the job or sold shares, there are deductions to do. But it is precisely in these three areas that the most common mistakes are made, simply because there is a great risk of counting errors, that any figure will not be correct and so on, she tells News24 and adds::

    – That is why the Swedish Tax Agency has produced good tools to help private individuals declare correctly. Declare digitally, and you will get help with automatic calculations. Other misses are, of course, not to submit the declaration on time and not report a bank account to the Swedish Tax Agency.

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    Read more: The Swedish Tax Agency’s new rules 2025 – so you are affected

    Spar Economist Frida Bratt works at Nordnet Bank. Photo: Press image

    Deduction in the Declaration 2025: You can earn thousands of patches

    Frida Bratt believes that you who have sold a home have the right to deduct in the declaration for several different parts, where brokerage fees, certain renovation costs, costs for legal speed and any interest difference compensation.

    – There can be many thousands of dollars in lower profit tax, she states.

    In order to more clearly get an overview of what can be deducted for, you should check with the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules.

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    “Nice to get back tax refund”

    When it comes to mistakes you should avoid the current income declaration in 2025, Bratt lifts several important aspects for you to consider.

    – I think you should avoid quickly sending in the declaration without even having even looked through it. Sure it is nice to get back tax refund as soon as possible, but at least spend a minute check through the declaration. It’s a good look at what you actually have for income. If you have sold housing, traveled extensively in the job or sold shares from regular depot, you should definitely see what deductions you are entitled to.

    Don’t miss: How to use the new tax deduction in 2025 – it is required

    Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT
