Professions, in Naples orientation day dedicated to Luiss Master’s Degree Courses

Professions in Naples orientation day dedicated to Luiss Masters Degree

(Finance) – University training engine development for the territory: in Campaniaa region that in recent years has recorded significant economic growth, but which continues to confront the phenomenon of the escape of talents, the orientation to the professions of the future assumes a strategic role. It is the theme at the center of the event Move in the professions and on the territorydedicated to Luiss master’s degrees and scheduled for Thursday 13 March 2025 at 16:00 in the Amate Hall of the Industrial Union Naples.

A recent Deloitte study It highlights how, in the last decade, Campania has recorded a growth of pro-capita GDP higher than the Italian average. However, in 2023 the employment rate of graduates stood at 70.8%, over 10 percentage points below the national average. A gap that pushes many young people to seek opportunities elsewhere, fueling a constant exodus of talents. From 2013 to 2022, according to Istat, the Region has lost 46,000 graduates between 25 and 34 years old, with a significant impact in terms of impoverishment of the economic, social and cultural fabric. To deal with this challenge, dialogue between institutions, businesses and universities becomes essential. The latter are called to act as a bridge between the expectations of young people and the needs of the market, then contributing to returning professionals to the territory with skills required by the world of work that changes.

Of these issues We will speak during the appointment promoted by Luiss, move in the professions and on the territory, in which managers and experts of important realities will take part: to toMmaso Bianchini, Chief Revenue Officer of the SSC Napoli; Giancarlo Fimiani, vice -president of the enhancement of human capital, innovation, research & development and university at the Naples Industrial Union; Simone Neri, manager of the Study Service, legal and parliamentary documentation at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Linda Langella, Head of Talent and Development of Avio.

Together with them, Enzo Peruffo, Dean of the Graduate School Luiss, responsible for the development of the University’s master’s paths, which explains: “The Luiss, thanks to a consolidated relationship with the business world, works on the front line to build master’s degree courses closely linked to the real needs of the job market. Despite being based in Rome – adds the professor – we dedicate particular attention to Campania, not only because it is the second region of origin of our students, but also for the liveliness of his economic and entrepreneurial fabric. A territory that stands out in key sectors such as tourism, sweetiment and aerospace, offering concrete opportunities to recent graduates who want to build their future here “.

The meeting will be Also the opportunity to illustrate the characteristics of the Luiss training offer, in view of the admission tests for the master’s degrees.
