To go on vacation without spending too much money, there are financial aid. Vacaf, help for 18-25 year olds, Vacances check … Here are all the subsidies granted to families that meet the conditions.
In the absence of financial means, some families with children cannot go on vacation, whether in the sea, in the mountains or even not far from their home for a weekend. However, there are financial aid, largely paid by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) or the Mutualité Social Agricole (MSA), which allow families or simply children to travel and give a break away from their daily lives. Overview of the aids offered to families:
Vacaf aid to go on vacation
THE VACAF aidproposed by CAF and MSA, allow families or children to go to holiday centers, countryside, or in colonies for example for a duration of 14 nights maximum. To do this, depending on your family quotient, CAF and MSA partially take charge of, up to 40% up to 70%, the costs linked to the stay. The rest is to be settled by families. The rental chosen must also be part of the vacation centers labeled VACAF in France or abroad. There are two aids in the VACAF system: family holiday help (AVF) and children’s vacation assistance (AVE).
Help with families
As its name suggests, theHelp in family holidays (AVF) concerns family stays, whether in camping, or in a holiday village. Clearly, it reduces the amount of rental costs. “The award criteria depend on the internal social action regulations of the CAF” on which you depend, said CAF in its press release. In general, to benefit from it, you have to be beneficiary, to receive at least one family service, have 1 or more dependent children as well as a family quotient less than or equal to 700 euros. Note also that some CAF pay families, in addition to the AVF, a Transport assistance. “It is calculated according to the distance between your home and the vacation place, as well as the period to which you leave”, Can we read on the organization’s website.
Help with children
The second device, theHelp in children’s vacation (AVE) is only intended for children and adolescents who want to go to holiday colonies, or mini-camps for example. Eligibility conditions are generally identical to AVF aid. In addition, depending on the public service site, the AVE can be accumulated with CAF leisure help (ATL or good leisure).
Help Pass Colo for young people from 11 years old
In addition to the AVE, young people can benefit from Colofinancial assistance implemented by the State to encourage the departure of the 11 -year -old children’s summer camps. Concretely, CAF takes care of part of the child’s stay. The flat -rate aid varies between 200 euros and 350 euros, depending on the family quotient.
Aid Vacances of 200 euros for 18-25 year olds
The National Agency for Vacances Voans offers Help covering 75% of the cost of the stay within the limit of 200 euros per year and per personfor young people aged 18 to 25. This sum thus allows Finance a vacation accommodation at the sea, in the mountains or in the city, in France or in Europeamong a selection of program stays “Departure 6:25 pm “. “The sum is directly deducted from the price to be paid, with a minimum of remains of 50 euros”can we read on the aid brochure.
To receive it, young people must have a reference tax income of less than 17,280 euros per year for a tax share, and be a scholarship student, or by apprenticeship or professionalization contract, holder of a future or generation contract, registered in a school of the second chance, voluntary in civic service or having completed their mission for less than a year or even be followed by social assistance to childhood.
The reception of children in the leisure center
There is also a care for leisure centers for children. This allows families to reduce costs using either Universal employment checks (CESU pre -funded), supplied by the employer or certain communities, i.e. Caf vacation aid (AVF or AVE). These devices take care of part of the cost of the stay, according to home revenues, in order to facilitate access to leisure for children.
The Vacances checkwhich is in the form of a checkbook, allows you to finance the departure on vacation as well as cultural and leisure activities (Sports course, campsite, colonies, transport, restaurant, amusement park, show, museum …). It is up to the employee to pay a party, to which is added a participation of the employer or the Social and Economic Committee (CSE). Note that the vacuum checks are valid for a period of two years, depending on their year of emission.
- Holiday aids are gone. CAF: