He finds one of every 7 people in Türkiye: There are close to 800 million kidney patients in the world

Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Emin Demir, according to recent research, chronic in one of every 6-7 adults kidney Drawing attention to the disease, “the disease -related risk factors can be prevented or delayed when the disease can be prevented or delayed at least,” he said.

Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Emin Demir draws attention to the fact that protecting the kidneys is vital and, “The kidneys with vital functions play a critical role for the body to maintain the healthy functioning. It is indispensable for the health of the kidneys, which are educated in the production of vital and vital functions that are involved in the production of red blood cells that determine their capacity.

There are 7 adults in Türkiye

Demir, one in every 7 people in Türkiye, said that he has kidney patients, “Chronic renal disease is a disease that can be prevented or delayed by the early recognition of risks. However, the awareness of the disease does not allow the awareness of the disease, the early period of the Turkish Nephrology Association in a screening study in Türkiye, the disease was found in the last 6-7 adults. It is progressing to the phase, the quality of life is deteriorated and the death rates are increasing and the prevalence of the disease will be the fifth disease in the next 25 years. “

Pay attention to diabetes and blood pressure

In our country, the causes of chronic kidney disease vary, Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Emin Demir explained these reasons as follows: “Diabetes, which is a factor that can damage the kidneys, can adversely affect renal functions when watching with high blood sugar levels. These patients should keep their blood sugar in balance and evaluate the kidney functions at least once a year. Kidney inflammation, urinary tract blockages, and genetic factors also cause chronic kidney diseases.

Obesity also hits pastries

In the latest research in the world and in Türkiye, obesity has become a very widespread problem, “Even the frequency of women’s type of obesity in Europe can be said to be the first in Europe. Obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and heart diseases is an important reason for the development of kidney disease.

Ways to maintain kidney health

Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Emin Demir, stressing that protecting kidney health is possible by adopting a healthy lifestyle and having regular controls, listed the measures to be taken as follows: “Reduce healthy and balanced diet, reduce salt consumption. Carbohydrate, protein and vitamins in your daily diet, consume a balanced way and maintain your ideal weight. If you have a lower values, the amount of water to be removed from the body of the kidneys. Stop smoking to protect your kidneys and general health. Exercise regularly. Light-paced exercises that will last at least 3 days and 45 minutes a week affect both cardiovascular health and kidney functions. Adopting an active lifestyle reduces risks that lead to kidney diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Pay attention to the use of painkillers. The use of random and frequent painkillers may damage kidney functions. In particular, long -term use of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (NSAID) may cause irreversible renal failure. Therefore, be careful to use medications under the supervision of a doctor. Regularly check your blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the most important causes of kidney diseases. Regularly measure your blood pressure and maintain your kidney health by following it as recommended by your doctor. Follow your blood sugar. Diabetes is one of the most important diseases that adversely affect the kidneys. If you have diabetes, measure your blood sugar regularly and have the necessary screening tests in consultation with your doctor to follow your kidney functions. Kidney health is an integral part of our overall body health. We can protect our kidneys and maintain a long and healthy life by adopting a healthy lifestyle, having regular controls and avoiding risk factors. Remember, if your kidneys are healthy, you are healthy. “

