“Harry Potter” series: first actors announced in the casting, when does the program release?

Harry Potter series first actors announced in the casting when

The Harry Potter series is being produced by HBO. The casting of teachers is starting to reveal themselves.

The magical world ofHarry Potter is far from no longer fascinating. After books, films, play or video games, the saga written by JK Rowling Will soon be adapted to a television series. And it is the adventures of the sorcerer to the scar who will be entitled to a new adaptation on Maxby HBO. Each season will adapt a volume of the saga. In fact, the cast that we know through the successful cinematographic saga will not be present, since it takes actors who can grow with the intrigue of the characters, aged 11 to 17.

Warner Bros has confirmed that the seven seasons will stage a casting totally different from feature films. For the time being, only two actors have been announced to the casting of the series: John Lithgow, an American actor (it’s important to note it since JK Rowling wanted to keep a casting only British for films) seen in Dexter, The Crown And Conclave. He must embody the director of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore. But the name PAAPA Essiedu was also confirmed by Deadline. The actor seen in I may destroy you must embody Severus Rogue.

This Harry Potter series is announced for the year 2026, according to Udoes not announce the Warner Bros. entertainment conglomerate. Discovery dated February 2024. If the (distant) date is becoming clearer, several unknowns remain, and especially the casting of the main trio.

The announcement of the Harry Potter series has left the fans perplexed: some are delighted to find the story on a small screen in an adaptation that wants to be more faithful than the films, others castigate that we bring up to date the saga despite the transphobic remarks of JK Rowling (she is an executive producer of the series), finally, some deplore that the first film is reappeared. At only 20 years old. In addition, the visuals, the music and the actors of the films are still freshly associated with the saga: the challenge is therefore size for Warner and HBO.

Recall that if this Harry Potter series project seems well advanced, nothing has yet been materialized, and we therefore do not know, logically, not yet the precise release date. However, it will not be released on our screens before the end of 2026, Warner Bros.

The series will be released only twenty years after the launch of the cinematographic saga. In the minds of fans, Daniel RadcliffeEmma Watson and Rupert Grint are still attached to the characters of Harry, Hermione and Ron. Difficult to already imagine new performers, especially since the original actors are currently in the thirties. If they have already shared their desire to play, in the future, teachers at Hogwarts in the event of a complete reboot of the franchise, difficult to imagine them take the features of Rogue or McGonagall in this series project.

For the time being, only two names have been confirmed in the casting by the American media: that of actor John Lithgow (The Crown, Dexter, Conclave) in the role of Albus Dumbledore and that of Paapa Essiedu (I may destroy you) to embody Severus Rogue.
