Professional in LOL could do the impossible and play a frowned upon champ to surprise the stars from Asia

In League of Legends there is something unimaginable: after years in exile, the hated Champ Teemo could have a appearance in the game of the professionals, and at the international level. The Jungler Martin “Yike” Sundelin (24) seems to be flirting with the idea of ​​calling Captain Teemo on duty.

Why is that so unusual? Teemo is a character that is almost never played in the professional game by LOL and was never played. Although it is a decent champ for the Soloq, it is considered unusable in the team play. He is an ego character and whoever chooses it in the Pro play makes it more as a meme instead of a serious choice.

There are only isolated appearances from Teemo in the process. It is considered an absolute “off-meta” pick. Today’s world class ADC Viper had played Teemo as a Botlaner with the South Korean exceptional team Griffin-but that was also years ago.

Through his trolling style of play, Teemo is a frowned upon character in LOL because he relies on poison damage, stealth and poisoned mushrooms. He also has such a terribly annoying way that he has become a cult character in LOL: if you play it yourself, you love Teemo. Everyone else cannot stand the little troll.

In the official Teemo-Reddit on LOL, the most important rule is also considered: “No tea hate.”

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Patch buffs tea, new draft format makes it attractive

Why could he come back now? There are now two extraordinary circumstances:

Teemo was buffed up in LOL Patch 2.54. His damage to monsters with the E rose from 125 % to 145 %. This makes it a more interesting choice for the Jungle than before.

In addition, the “Fearless Draft” is now played in some formats, where every champ can only be played once.

This means that every professional player has to expand his champion pool and it is no longer enough to master only a jungler that you play again and again. No, it is necessary to master at least 5, maybe even 7 or 9 champs.

And teaemo is getting more and more attractive.

At the 1st International Tournament 2025 we could see Teemo

Who is now flirting with Teemo? The “First Stand” event begins on March 10, in which 5 teams will meet. Each region sends its strongest team. Hanwha Life, Top Esports and CTBC Flying Oyster are from Asia. The USA sends Team Liquid into the race.

The LEC champion Karmine Corp competes for Europe. It is rumored, the jungler of Karmine Corps, Yikes, could surprise Asians with an innovatia tea pick.

In conversation with Dotesports, Yike indicated that some people may “prepare their tea in secret”. That also applies to him. At least he hoped. According to Yike, Teemo is “surprisingly strong in the jungle” and the latest buffs could be a real alternative.

Karmine Corp loses 1. Match

In the 1st match, which was completed a few minutes ago, Karmine Corp lost to Team Liquid. Yike played in Jungle VI, Sejuani and Xinzhao. If he had put on tea.

Yike has had an exciting year. Actually, he was a star boy for the best team in Europe, G2, but was sorted out there after a weak World 2024. But in 2025 he and his new team have now passed G2 and became champions: top team in LOL gambles in the fight for the child prodigy, for which they offered half the squad
