This fruit regulates insulin, it can help lose weight and better manage its blood sugar

This fruit regulates insulin it can help lose weight and

An exotic fruit that we neglect too often …

We talk a lot about monitoring blood sugar, less insulin, the proper functioning of this hormone produced by the pancreas is essential for health. For Pri Indika Edirisinghe, American professor of food science and nutrition “Managing your blood sugar cannot be able to monitor blood sugar levels, but also improve insulin sensitivity”. In a study carried out with her team, she demonstrates the interest of a specific fruit to improve the functioning of insulin. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels. When it works badly (we speak of “insulin resistance”), sugar accumulates, promoting weight gain, diabetes and other metabolic diseases. This is a frequent problem of overweight or obese people.

The study was conducted with 48 adults aged 20 to 60 overweight or obese, divided into 2 groups. The first group had to eat two portions of the fruit daily while retaining its usual diet. The other group added a calorie sorbet equal to the fruit to its diet. For four weeks, scientists followed the evolution of their blood sugar, their insulin and certain inflammation markers. According to the results published in the journal “Nutrients”participants who consumed the fruit saw their resistance to insulin significantly decrease. In addition, the ability of the pancreas to produce and release insulin to manage normal glucose concentrations has improved.

The famous fruit studied here by researchers was mango. “Our study suggests that adding fresh mango to food can be a simple and pleasant way for overweight or obese people to promote better functioning of insulin and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes” “explained Pr Edirisinghe. Participants with an insulin rate too high at the start of the study also saw this concentration drop. And mango has not caused weight gain unlike the sorbet.

According to researchers “The effects observed could be due to the nutritional composition of mangoes, in particular fibers and other bioactive compounds of the nutritive type “. Their data now justifies more in-depth research on the consumption of mangoes in the context of a diet aimed at combating resistance to insulin and the mechanisms underlying the actions of mango consumption. In the meantime, adding mango to your daily consumption is a good option to test.
