Therese Johaug’s new message after the fiasco in the World Cup in Trondheim

Therese Johaug’s goal was clear for the World Cup at home in Trondheim.
There would be at least one gold on the five -mile, preferably in several races.
Now she leaves the championship with four medals – but still with the feeling that it was a failure for her.

She ended her career after the 2021/2022 season and has since given birth, worked as an expert on television and participated in several other exciting projects. But before this season was Therese Johaug36, suddenly back in the track. She wanted to be at the home World Cup in Trondheim-and she had set her sights on gold medals.

Johaug lost to the Swedes

When the championship is summed up, it can be stated that the 36-year-old, who made a comeback after two years of absence, still maintains absolute world level in cross-country skiing. She received silver both in the skiathlon (20 km) and in the 10-kilometer race, both times she was beaten by Ebba Andersson27. In addition, she took a bronze in the five -mile and a silver in the baton.

Read more: Therese Johaug’s big rage after the new World Cup fiasco-raging against Frida Karlsson’s behavior

Although she managed to take four medals in the World Cup, the feeling is that it was a small failure on her part. She didn’t get that long -awaited gold that she so much wanted. It was above all the five miles that was the distance she would take it on. Instead it became Frida Karlsson25, who became the first women’s skater in history to win the World Cup gold in the distance. Johaug was not completely satisfied with the Swedish behavior during the race.
– She went on our skis and spells quite a few times. I think it is unnecessary when we are four that you go on your skis and spells all the time, she says according to Sportbladet.

Therese Johaug’s message after the World Cup

The Swedes won all competitions in the World Cup, it was a total of 6-0 against Norway. The result has, of course, caused the home skiers to angry properly. They have been sawn at home and humiliated by the Swedes who picked every gold.
– I understand if Therese is angry and annoyed that she must not take her gold. But somewhere she has been beaten by the Swedes every time here. It’s no coincidence, it’s because we’ve been a little, a little better. We’ll see if she continues to the Olympics and the World Cup in Falun, but it is doubtful maybe, says Sweden’s national team manager Anders Byström to Sportbladet.

Read more: Million rain over Ebba Andersson and the other World Cup Swedes

Yes, many certainly wonder if this defeat served as a lighter fluid for Therese Johaug. Before the championship, she has been clear that she does not plan to continue skiing. This was just an exception. Maybe the Norwegians still started to hope a little about Johaug in the Olympics, just for her to take revenge on the Swedes? Now, on the other hand, she puts a stop to all speculation.
– I quit. I’m definitely done. I drive on Saturday and Sunday in Holmenkollen. It will be nice to end at home, she says.

March 15-16 there are World Cup competitions in Holmenkollen, Oslo. So it will be Therese Johaug’s last competitions at the elite level. On Wednesday, March 19, there is a sprint race in Tallinn and then the World Cup ends, and thus the entire season, the weekend after that in Finnish Lahti.

What do you think of Therese Johaugs World Cup? Is it hard to call it a failure or did you expect more of her? Feel free to comment!

