“Is really angry and disappointed”

It was not the end of the World Cup that Ebba Andersson had hoped for.

She fell after hooking with gold winner Frida Karlsson and lost the chance to fight for the medals.

I am really angry and disappointed with the outcome for me, says Andersson.

Ebba Andersson came to the World Cup after a tough season in the World Cup, and where the top form was missing. Despite this, the 27-year-old became the foremost women’s skater in the World Cup’s individual distances, with two golds, and also a gold in relay.

But still, she leaves Trondheim in tears, after a fall late in the closing five -mile who crushed the chances of another medal. Instead, she became four.

What hurts the most is that I felt so good. I have prepared myself and completed the race as I thought and so it is a small sketch for a second that makes it end up on the sneak and I do not even get the chance to be shredded about the medals all the way in, says Andersson.

Ebba Andersson is disappointed after the case in the World Cup race.

Ebba Andersson is disappointed after the case in the World Cup race.

Photo: Matthias Schrader/AP/TT

Rejoice in Karlsson’s gold

What happened was that Andersson and Frida Karlsson at the end of the race both went to the right to gain momentum and instead hooks together. Karlsson goes towards the gold while Andersson falls and loses all the opportunities for a medal because the Norwegians Heidi Weng and Therese Johaug stood on their feet and hung on Karlsson.

Andersson did not blame Karlsson for the case.

But I have been clear about, and told Frida, that I am glad that she was the one who managed to win now that I did not get the chance to make it up. But also clear that I am really angry and disappointed with the outcome for me.

“With the facts in hand”

Extra sour, she thinks that is the case comes when they hook together, given the difficult conditions that made it very difficult.

Yes, it is. Because I went on the end of the introduction when I got back weight. But it was at a stage when it did not affect at all. Then I was careful about how I acted during the race, right up to the situation where I go over. I could have done differently with the facts in hand.
