Norwegian abandoned ski jumpers opened their mouths – denied knowing the scam | Skiing mm 2025

Norwegian abandoned ski jumpers opened their mouths denied knowing

Marius Lindvik and Johann Andre Forfang, who were rejected in the Suurmäki competition on Saturday, commented on the situation in their joint announcement.

See all the news here about the World Ski Championships.

The Norwegian ski scandal for the Trondheim World Championships will not subside.

On Sunday after the World Championship events, the Norwegian national team held a press conference, where Jan-Erik Aalbu admitted Norway had guilty of a chill. Aalbu revealed that the background team had shaped Forfang and Lindvik’s hillside on Friday, knowing that men are breaking the rules, but believing that editing is not detected by instrument control.

There was no coach at the press conference Magnus Brevig And not abandoned ski jumpers.

In the Saturday’s race abandoned Marius Lindvik and Johann Andre Forfang However, on Sunday evening, they commented on the situation in their joint announcement. They regretted that they had not commented on the case in the media.

– We are both completely broken. Neither of us would have jumped in the costumes if we had known that they were manipulated, the duo assured the Norwegian Ski Association in a bulletin.

They both assured them to learn from the incident and hoped for full transparency.

“We look forward to talking to FIS researchers,” Lindvik and Forfang assured.

Lindvik was second and Forgan Fifth in the Men’s Suurmäki competition on Saturday.

In Trondheim, Lindvik won Normal Hill Gold, Mixed Team Gold and Team Hill bronze. He lost Saturday because of the Greater World Championship silver dancing. Forfang was involved in celebrating the mixed team of the mixed team and the bronze medal of the men’s team.

On Sunday, the International Ski Association FIS announced that it had begun an investigation into both Lindvik and Forfang’s Saturday rejection and a combined mixed team Jörgen Gråbakin rejection.
