He does not say it, but Cyril Hanouna will sacrifice a large part of TPMP soon

He does not say it but Cyril Hanouna will sacrifice

No matter how hard he is, the life of Cyril Hanouna and TPMP is not that pink on the web. And a huge sacrifice is still awaiting the star and her show on W9 …

After the C8 stop on February 28, Cyril Hanouna And his gang are still there and continue to clash at all going on YouTube, Dailymotion, as well as dark canals in the depths of the operators’ boxes. Touche not at my post is even more “free” than before we are told between two attacks against Nagui, Michel Cymès, Arcom and many others. During the first last Monday, Hanouna, after boasting on gigantic hearings, had fun scrolling through popular brand products without hiding them, mocking TNT rules and praising Internet freedom.

However, everything is not so simple on the web, far from it. YouTube has already recalled the animator to the order concerning several rules that TPMP did not respect: no long pub cuts in the flow, obligation to respect the charter and the exclusivity of the platform and … prohibition to show brands linked by commercial partnerships. Revenues are not the same for Hanouna either, who, in addition to taking the show at her via his Zoubida TV webtélé, had to revise the stamps of his columnists downwards. Derisory sums (but not for everyone) circulated, of the order of 330 euros per issue.


The change will be more difficult on September 1, when Hanouna joins the M6 ​​group. Not really welcome, as stars of the group have been able to signify it like Karine Le Marchand or the Society of Journalists (SDJ), the host owes his arrival only to the fact that he will not be on the air of M6, the flagship, but of W9 and Fun Radio. And he will have to make a big sacrifice: According to the SDJmanagement has guaranteed that Cyril Hanouna “should not venture into the political or controversial field”. He will probably have no choice. His arrival is linked to a strict “entertainment project”, “something very different from what Cyril does today,” said one of the directors general of the M6 ​​group, Régis Ravanas.

The M6 ​​group would even have planned “safeguards”, such as the upstream validation of drivers and columnists present in the program, a slight delay to prevent slippages, as was the case on C8, but also “internal sanctions in the event of overflow”. Not to mention that W9 is, originally, considered as a “musical channel” on TNT, extended since “entertainment”, as still says The Convention Signed for 2025 with Arcom.

Cyril Hanouna himself conceded it, in his own way, facing Pascal Praud on CNews: “It is sure that we are not going to do politics on Fun Radio or W9”, recognized “Baba” after saying that “for the moment it is not prohibited, they want, of course, it is a channel that is more in entertainment”. Assuring that he was going to “talk to it with the leaders of M6”, he still wanted to set foot in the door: “We will approach all social subjects, it’s forced, because if it’s just to talk about Koh-Lanta and The Voice …”
