Women and VAT number: women earn 18.3% less than men

Women and VAT number women earn 183 less than men

(Finance) – The VAT men earn on average 18.3% more than women, that is 3,343 euros per year. A gap that already presents itself from the first steps in the world of autonomous work and grows with age: between 18 and 24 years, in fact, it is 7.4%, it then grows at 20.6% between 25 and 35 years old, during which many women become mothers, and reaches 28.5% between 55 and 65 years. In the latter band, men earn on average 5,886 euros more. Driving the ranking of the remuneration disparity The manufacturing sector, instead approaching equality in the world of education, while accommodation and catering services see women earn 26.2% more than colleagues.

This is what was photographed by an investigation into the gender pay gap of Tech Company Fiscozen, Taking the aggregate data of over 30,000 VAT games active in 2024.

Analyzing the activities, divided by ateco code, The largest disparity is in the manufacturing sectorwith a considerable 91.4% gap (27,939 euros of men against 14,643 women), followed by a more moderate gap of 27.3% in the world of information and communication (31,937 euros of men against women 25,080) and from 26.5% of the “other services” category, which includes a wide range of heterogeneous professional figures including: for example: for example: Caregiver, pedagogists, masseurs, personal trainers, OSS, home cooks, sommeliers and even e-Sport gamers.

As for the sectors with the greater concentration of VAT games, land activities linked to a professional and scientific or technical register have an average turnover gap of 11.7% (21,045 euros of men against 18,830 of women), those related to health and social assistance see men earn 17.6% more (25,496 against 21,665), while it is 15.8% the gap in the field of artistic, sporting, entertainment and fun activities, with men who combine 15,673 euros in the face of women 13,531. There equality is approached only in the world of education, where the gap is 4.5%.

Instead, they are Three sectors in which the freelancers earn more than colleagues men: accommodation and catering serviceswith +9,857 euros per year and an average turnover of 37,589 euros, or +26.2%; activities related to rental and travel, with +1,480 euros per year and a turnover of 15,926 euros ( +9.2%); the real estate activitieswith +1,679 euros and a turnover of 23,418 euros ( +7.1%). More generally, the sectors in which the highest average turnover are recorded for women, after accommodation and catering services and those related to information and communication, are the real estate (23,418), health and social assistance (21,665) and trade (20.306).

“In the five years Between 2020 and 2024, the Gender Pay Gap in VAT number has gradually decreased, Since in the pandemic year it was over 10% higher. However, the data that we have the opportunity to analyze, even if they do not take other forms income into consideration, tell us in no uncertain terms that there is still a long way to go to the world of free profession to get closer to the equality between women and men, especially if we compare with the gap in the employee work, decidedly lower “, comments Enrico Mattiazzi, CEO and Co founder of Fiscozen.

In 2022, according to Istat data, The Gender Pay Gap among employees in Italy was 5.6% in favor of men, With an average annual salary of 39,982 euros for men and 33,807 euros for women, with a difference of about 6,000 euros. In the private sector, the remuneration disparity reached 15.9%, while in public companies it stopped at 5.2%. In comparison, among the workers with VAT, the gender gap appears even more marked: the average annual turnover of men was 21,622 euros, while that of women was 15.5%lower, stopping at 18,279 euros.

Gender disparities in the world of work are also reflected on pensions. According to the INPS 2024 gender report, retired women are more numerous than men (7.9 million against 7.3), but receive lower checks lower. In the private sector, pensions of seniority and disability of women are respectively lower than 25.5% and 32% than those of men. The gap is even wider for old -age pensions, which are lower than 44.1%. For former self -employed workers, the situation is even more disadvantageous: the pensions of seniority and disability are respectively lower than 43.9% and 36.1%, while old age records a gap of 38.2% compared to men.

“This pension gap reflects the lower gain opportunities that women meet in the course of their career. For many young people, opening the VAT number means investing in their talent and independence, despite lower and minor salaries with respect to employee work. For a generation that considers autonomy and flexibility essential values, Working with the VAT number is a natural choice: making it more sustainable would allow you to fully enhance this opportunity “, concludes Mattiazzi.
