Comment: Johannes Kläbo is an incredible athlete, but he is not close to the all -time skier title | Skiing mm 2025

Comment Johannes Klabo is an incredible athlete but he is

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When Falun organized the Nordic Ski Championships ten years ago, for the first time in the current era of skiing in the current era (current trips).

So the question is whether a male skier can win all the trips in one race. The question was related to To Petter Northugwho had conquered the championship in the previous Val di Fiemme World Championships.

When I arrived at Falun, the only missing piece of explosive tensioning in the series of Northug’s value winners was – surprisingly – a personal sprint.

The “Nortti” of this cavity ordered immediately on the opening day of the race. However, the idea of ​​a six gold tube dried up two days later in Skiathlon, where the Norwegian remained 11th.

However, Northug did not go bad: four golds were accumulated in the poster. The performance lasted for a gold medal record for men’s value races for ten years.


8.3.2025 It then happened. Johannes Hösflot Kläbo He crossed the finish line at home in Trondheim for the first time as a 50-kilometer value race winner and finished his complete gold medal balance for the World Cup: six trips, six championships.

The work sample is unmatched in the history of cross -country skiing. Closest to get to the Russian ski legend Jelena Välbethat emptied the gold medal table 28 years ago, when Trondheim last hosted the World Cup. At that time, however, there were five gold instead of six.

The dream of Norwegian organizers and ski bosses was guaranteed that when the Trondheim World Championships are remembered in the future, the home village’s own son is not only speeches but also in statistics Vladimir Putin As a supporter known as the supporter.

The dream came true in front of a charming Trondheim audience.

All the stars are in order

The journey to six golds was evened before the Trondheim Games began, with the pre -largest stump in Kaske, the traditional skiing departures this season Iivo Niskanen became ill.

Tuesday’s 10km race took place in heavy weather, where Finnish maintenance was a great success and was a successful Ville Ahonen Tenth.

On a similar ski and in the ideal weather, Healthy Niskanen would probably have caused distortion to the Kläbon gold tube, but the medals are solved between athletes on the line.

From 30 kilometers to 20, the Skiathlon and its easy free course were poisoned to the species specialist, Kläbo compatriot Simen Hegstad for Krügerwho did not cover his disappointment after the race for male -sustaining skiing.

When you add it to the hardest opponent of KläBo’s career, Russia Aleksandr Bolšunovcontinues to shine in its absence due to Russian military action, all the stars were treated to the Norwegian to carry out six straight.

Olympic winter determines a lot

On Saturday, his 50km gold medal Kläbo became the best of all time as a personal trip male skier in the World Championship history.

Like Kläbo, Northug has seven personal world championships and two silver, but the scales tilt to Kläbo with one bronze.

This bronze is the first adult medal of Kläbo’s career, which he achieved at the 2017 Lahti World Championship sprint at the age of 20.

After Trondheim’s historic gold tube, it is appropriate to ask if Kläbo is an all -time skier. The answer to this is no. Not near.

Although Kläbo is the best male skier in the World Championship medals Marit Björgen There are a whopping 12 personal world championships in the name.

Including messages, Björgen leads Kläboa in the World Cup gold medals 18-15.

And this is not the most important measure. Olympic success will pass the World Cup titles.

Five gold medals are hung on the neck of the KläBo in five tires. They are the second most seaworthy male skier with his eight gold -reached countrymen Björn Dählien after.

In women, Kläbon is still Björgen (8) and Russian Ljubov Jegorova (6).

However, this meter is not enough to apply for an all -time skier. Personal Olympic winnings are a meter number Uno. Dählie has six, Björgen five and four in Jegorova.

Of the five Olympic winnings of Kläbo, only two are on personal trips. So the number is the same as Iivo Niskanen.

A Swiss fit between the twin Dario Cologna (4) and the Norwegian of three gold Thomas alsgaardSwedish Sixten Jernberg and representing the Soviet Union Nikolai Zimjatov.

Kläbo is 28 years old. From men’s recent history, Dählie and Alsgaard achieved their last personal Olympic win at the age of 30 and Cologna at the age of 33.

In women, Björgen was as many as 37 years old when he rose to the highest podium at the end of the 30 kilometer race at the PyeongChang Olympics in 2018.

So, for age, Kläbo has all the lunch to rise to the throne of the ski champions. This can happen in theory next year.

If Kläbo would win all four personal gold in the Val di Fiemmen Olympics in Italy, he would rise to share the winning record of the Björgen and the Dählie Olympics.

For this, at least Niskanen and possibly Bolshunov certainly have his words to say.

Kläbo is still not close to the all-time skier’s title, but as the Trondheim World Cup showed, he breaks the boundaries in an unprecedented way.
