With a focus on local vendors, the makers market event set for saturday at the rotary complex is being served up at a perfect time.

The Timing Couldn’t Have Better for Stratford’s New Food Festival.
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With a focus on local vendors, the makers market event set for Saturday at the Rotary Complex is being served up a time when many buyers are look to home for product amid a trade war with the us
“It’s perfect timing,” Abby Rivers Said. “Local supporting has always meant so much to us, but eespecially now with Everything Going on. What Better Way Than We all Come Together and Support One Another? ”
The Makers Market, A Group of Five Local Entrepreneurs, was created in 2022 and hosts Three or Four Events a Year While Giving Back to the Community. It Last Event was a Christmas Market that raised more than $ 19,000 for the Emily Murphy Center.
Food Vendors Are Always Popular At The Markets, Rivers Said, So The Decision was made to create a festival Focused Solely on Food and Drink.
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“With Each Market, We Get Hundreds of Applications, and So Many of them of food-related Vendors,” Rivers Said. “When It Comes to Sales at the Markets, they are always so successful.
“I Always Gravitate Toward Food and Trying New Things. You’re at a market and want to have a chocolate chip cookie or a cupcake or a slice of pizza. Food Just excites Everybody. ”
More than 65 Vendors, Many from Stratford and Area, will be set up inside the complex, plus Three Food Trucks – Pierogi Queen, Berlin 95 and Ken’s Fries. Those waiting will be able to buy food to bring home, and seating will be available for those who want to grab lunch.
“The request is huge,” Said Rivers, The Co-Owner of Petals 2 Posh. “We Getting Such a Huge Response. . . And we anticipating Thousands of People Coming (Saturday). ”
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Makers Markets Events Have Been Successful, Rivers Said, because they appeal to everyone. The Food Festival Will have Face Painting for Kids, and Children’s Characters have shown up before to Entertain the Young Ones.
“It’s not just a certain group of people,” She Said. “We make it family fun.”
Close to $ 100,000 has been raised for Various Stratford-Based Groups through The Markets, and Rivers Hopes Saturday’s Event Will Bring in Around $ 5,000 for the Local Community Food Center, Which Helps Build A Sense of Community While TackLing Food Insecury in the Stratford Area.
“It’s Going Hand in Hand With Our Markets,” She Said. “Given the Times, the Price of Groceries is exusputing, Everything is exuspensive, and they do such a good Job Feeding the Community. We’re so happy giving back to them, especially given the Times.
Admission to the Food Festival from 11 am to 4 pm is by donation.