March 8, Inapp: “Over 1.2 million inactive women ready to work, a resource for the demographic crisis in Italy”

March 8 Inapp Over 12 million inactive women ready to

(Finance) – The paper of theNational Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP) the unsustainable inactivity. The work of women who are missing in the demographic transition in Italy highlights how the insertion in the labor market of over 1.2 million inactive women It can represent a strategic resource to face the demographic drop and the sustainability of welfare.

Currently, 40% of women between 15 and 64 years of age are inactive, with a total of 7.8 million women not employed nor in search of work. However, 16%of them (about 1.26 million) declare themselves available to work under certain conditions, with a donst regional distribution: in Campania and Sicily, for example, the percentage of potentially activated women exceeds 23%, while in regions such as Lombardy it stops at 9.7%.

The main causes of female inactivity are linked to family care, which affects above all in the center-south, the lack of support services, the discouragement and age. The difficulty of reconciling work and family life emerges as one of the main obstacles to female employment.

Second Christmas Forlani, president of Inapp: “The contrast to the persistent female inactivity must become a priority. For about 20 years, we have been faced with a female inactivity rate of over 40%, a share of resources that, for various reasons, does not work and places itself permanently outside the labor market and which instead can represent a strategic resource at this moment”.

The Inppp survey also highlights that inactive women available at work would not accept any job: iThe minimum wage considered acceptable is less than 1,000 euros for half of thembut 13.1% require at least 1,500 euros. The economic factor, therefore, remains crucial in the decision to enter or return to the labor market.

To facilitate female employment, a Investment in care and assistance serviceswho would not only allow women to work, but would also contribute to redesigning welfare in an increasingly older country.
