Was dropped by the home service – broke both legs

Was dropped by the home service broke both legs



The full screen accident occurred in conjunction with a shower. File image. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

An elderly person was dropped in the floor of the home service in connection with a shower – and got fractures in both legs, reports SVT News Jämtland.

The incident has been reported to the Inspection for Health and Care (IVO) according to Lex Maria.

It was at the end of September last year that two employees in the home service would help the elderly out of a shower chair, but lost the grip which led to the person falling and getting his knees in the floor.

It hurt “extremely pain” according to the user who was moved to his bed. A nurse was contacted.

Later it turned out that the case caused fractures in both legs. According to the notification to IVO, the assessment and treatment of the damage was delayed.

The quality of life has deteriorated severely in the affected person and it is unclear if the person can stay in the former home.
