This place in the world is the worst to drive according to tourists – badly classified France

This place in the world is the worst to drive

A survey carried out with many motorists classifies countries where drivers have the worst behavior on the road.

Speeding, dangerous overruns and anarchic parking lots are not the prerogative of a single country. If you have the chance to travel, you have probably already found that bad behavior on the road exist everywhere. However, the reputation that certain populations are dragged by is not completely usurped. Discoverscars, car rental agency, has established a classification of countries according to the politeness or rudeness of drivers driving. To do this, nearly 5,000 foreign tourists were asked to note from 1 to 10 the behavior of motorists in the country they visited.

Inevitably, we are curious to know the place occupied by the French, it is true known not to be the most disciplined on the road. Unsurprisingly, French motorists did not only get compliments during this survey. “Like everywhere, selfish and, therefore, little respectful of others,” read a tourist. With a note of 7.84, the French arrive in fourth position of the least polite drivers. We are not going to complain this time not to be on the podium, but it was little to go and go the third place in the United Arab Emirates (7.80).

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The first little glorious in this classification established by Discoverscars does not return to a country but to an autonomous region. A region much appreciated by tourists, especially for its history, its magnificent landscapes, and of course, its incredible cuisine. Have you found it? This is Sicily! Who has already led to Palermo, the Sicilian capital, will tell you that it is sometimes quite sporty. There, the horn is a full-fledged means of communication and the scooters that zigzag between the vehicles are part of the decor. The tourists interviewed for the good of the survey awarded the note of 7.14, the worst for the state of Florida, in the United States, of the 15 destinations to have obtained a minimum of 50 evaluations.

It is interesting to see that the difference between the note of Sicily and that of continental Italy (8.02) is almost one point, enough to feed the small wars of bells on the other side of the Alps. At the other end of the ranking is another Mediterranean island. With a score of 8.83, Cyprus motorists appeared particularly polite and serene to tourists who crossed them on the road. New Zealand (8.77) and Turkey (8.73) complete the podium.

If you have planned to travel soon and move by car, it is essential to find out about the highway code and the specifics of local driving before going to a foreign country. Each nation applies its own regulations in terms of signaling, priorities, speed limits and authorized behaviors on the road. A good knowledge of these rules will allow you to avoid offenses and escape fines.
