Norwegian World Championship scandal: Finland’s head coach realized during a break that “something big could happen”-the video revealed the scam | Skiing mm 2025

Norwegian World Championship scandal Finlands head coach realized during a

Igor Medved, head coach of the Finnish men’s ski jumping team, tells what happened before the Greater race, during its break and after the race.

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Finnish head coach Igor Medved He landed down the coach tower during the Greater World Championship break and was on his way to the Finnish team booth when the rumors rushed to his ears for the first time.

“Something big may happen,” Medved says he has heard of many different national sources.

– I did not give more weight because my focus was on my team’s athletes and in the second round.

At this point, the International Ski Association FIS had already announced that Norway Kristian Eriksen Sundal had been rejected in the opening round due to an irregular jumping suit.

A moment later, Medved became aware that Slovenia, Poland and Austria had left a protest from the Norwegian team.

In the second round, the jury rejected two of three of the Norwegians. The rejection paid To Marius Lindvik Silver medal. A week ago, Lindvik celebrated the Normal Hill World Championship in Trondheim.

Another abandoned was Johann Andre Forfangfinished fifth in the original results. The only not abandoned athlete is Robert Johanssonwho rose 19th as a result of his teammate’s dancing. Antti Aalto was finally 13th and Kasperi Valto 23 p.

All day tensions

Medved describes the Norwegian massaging as a blow that hurts the whole species.

He says he has come across the Norwegian team’s costumes even before the competition.

– They were very nervous. The cold sweat was on the forehead.

Sports Expert Janne Ahonen He said in a live broadcast before the race that there were rumors of the Norwegian team about the costume manipulation.

The matter dawned on Medved after the race when he could see a video downloaded to social media. According to Medved, the video proves that the Norwegians are cheated.

– Simply explained by Norwegian head coach and other costume makers manipulate costumes. They put extra material in the suit, which is not allowed.

According to Medved, the Norwegians’ activities are based on video side seams based on the video. He estimates that the action has been made to influence the cost of the costumes.

This, on the other hand, would have made the Norwegians seek to get a suit down at the branch. As the suit descends more than normal for the branch, the jumper will receive more carrying area during the joint phase.

Medved also estimates the video that the chips of the costumes may have been tried to be replaced.

FIS monitors hillside suits with chip technology. Do not touch the chips attached to the suits.

– The video cannot be said to be sure if the chips have been replaced, but it is clear from the video that extra material has been added to the costumes.

Non -competition?

According to Medved, the Norwegian rejection is clear. He considers it possible that the Norwegian men’s national team will not survive the costume manipulation with the rejection of the bigger race alone.

Chairman of the FIS Mountain Committee Mika Kojonkoski A month ago, Sports told that if there is blatant evidence of costume manipulation, FIS could first fall in its history for non -compete.
