Yesterday evening Antalya In front of the hospital Antalyaspor Fans and Mehmet Özkan’s family made an unforgettable surprise to the young man. Dozens of fans, illuminating the front of the hospital with torches, “Happy birthday Mehmet,” he cheered by saying and gave morale to the young man. Mehmet, who was treated on the 10th floor of the hospital, watched this enthusiastic crowd by looking out the glass and experienced emotional moments. This meaningful birthday celebration increased Mehmet’s morale during the treatment process and further reinforced his devotion to his life.
“I don’t want to close myself to my dreams after that”
Mehmet Ozkan, about six months ago with severe headaches applied to the hospital. Following the examinations, the young man who was determined to be very low blood values was diagnosed with marrow cancer. Then, with the suggestion of his family in Antalya Hospital Internal Medicine and Hematology Specialist Professor. Dr. Özkan, who applied to Mustafa Çetin, was a marrow transplant from his 16 -year -old sister on January 5, 2025.
After the marrow transplant, Mehmet regained his health, but had to be hospitalized again due to infection. The young man who has been treated in the hospital for three months continues the treatment process with the support of hospital management and doctors. Before his birthday, the hospital management tried to make him happy by making a little surprise to give Özkan morale.
Mehmet Ozkan, expressed his satisfaction with the birthday celebrations, “After that, my dreams do not close myself. Living life, everything can happen at any moment. So I will never stand in my place,” he said.
“One night very violent headache began”
Mehmet Özkan shared his feelings about the disease process with the following words: “I had nothing normally. One night, headache began very violently. We went to the hospital, they said that my blood pressure was very high. When I did not pass my pain in the morning. I was treated by. ”
Mehmet Özkan, his feelings about the marrow transplant process as follows: “First I bought 3-4 cure chemotherapy, killed all cells. Then I was a marrow transplant from my sister on January 5, 2025. Normally gathered in 6-7 hours, the marrow gathered in 200 hours, but I was in the process of the process. We stayed in the same room for a week, this process was very meaningful to me. ”
Speaking about the hospital process, Mehmet, “I have been in the hospital for 3 months. I was here before the first transplant. I would like to thank the hospital management and health team very much. First they surprised me. I did not wait. I was lying, they surprised. Then I came to Antalyaspor fans and relatives.
“Diagnosis of acute leukemia”
Mehmet Özkan’s treatment. Dr. Mustafa Cetin, the young patient’s health status made the following statements: “Our brother Mehmet came to us about six months ago. Acute leukemia was diagnosed. In the first stage we took control of the disease with chemotherapy treatment. Then we applied a marrow transplant. We plan, “he said.