Digital Bros, decline in decline (-8.7%) but Ebitda in strong growth

Digital Bros decline in decline 87 but Ebitda in strong

(Finance) – Digital Brosa group active in the video game market and listed on Euronext Star Milan, recorded in the first half of the 2024/2025 year which closed on 31 December 2024 revenues consolidated made exclusively by catalog products equal to 43 million eurosfalling by 8.7% compared to 47.1 million at 31 December 2023.

The Gross operating margin (Ebitda) has reached i 13.1 million euros (30.4% of net revenues), increasing compared to 9.7 million, thanks to the reduction of the cost of the effect of the effect of the reorganization made in autumn 2023. The Operating margin (Ebit) is negative for 395 thousand euros, but in significant improvement (+4.3 million euros) compared to the negative abit for 4.6 million euros at 31 December 2023. The loss clear 3.5 million was significantly reduced compared to the net loss of 6.4 million euros in the first half of the last year.

Debt financial net increase of 4.9 million euros and equal to 29.7 million euros (26.5 million euros net
of the effect from IFRS16) in line with the expectations.
